If anyone has hurt or harmed me knowingly or unknowingly in thought word or deed, I freely forgive them and I ask forgiveness.

If I have hurt or harmed anyone, knowingly or unknowingly in thought word or deed.

I forgive the past and close the door.
I forgive all and resentment is dissolved.
I forgive myself and I’m at peace.
I accept myself and I am free.

May I feel protected and safe contented and at peace.
May my physical body provide me with strength.
May my life unfold smoothly and with ease.

May I be happy, May I be peaceful, May I be free.
May my friends be happy, may they be at peaceful, may they be free.
May those that challenge me be happy, may they be peaceful, may they be free.
May all beings be happy, may they be peaceful, may they be free.